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SI´TULA dim. SITELLA (ὑδρία), a bucket for drawing water from a draw-well (Dig. 18, 1,

Situla of bronze. (Dennis.)

40.6) or for carrying it (Plaut. Amph. 2.2, 30; Isid. Orig. 20.15). Those for carrying water were either of earthenware (as in Egypt) and carried two together by a yoke, or of bronze (see Marquardt, Privatleben, p. 656). In Plaut. Cas. 2.4, 17, it was a voting-urn; but in this sense we usually find the diminutive form sitella (Plaut. Cas. 2.6, 11; Liv. 25.3, 41.18), as also urna and orca (Verg. A. 6.431; V. Max. 6.3, 4; Lucan 5.394; Vopisc. Prob. 8). It seems that, as among the Greeks, the urn in which the lots were placed was filled with water; and when this was poured out, the lot which appeared first floating on it was decisive: hence in Plaut. l.c., “Situlam huc tecum afferto cum aqua et sortes:” and the expressions in Vopiscus, “qui primum emergeret” and “Probi nomen effusum est” (cf. Cic. in Verr. 2.51, 127; in Vatin. 14, 34; Marquardt, Privatl. p. 548). For the difference between sitella, the urn from which the names of the tribes or centuries were drawn to determine the order of voting, and cista the voting-box, see CISTA

[W.S] [G.E.M]

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