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1. (ἀποφόρητα), presents which were given to friends at the end of an entertainment, to take home with them. (Petron. 56; Ambros. Exhort. Virg. 1.) Although the name is Greek, the custom is Roman, for Athenaeus expressly tells us that when Cleopatra presented to Antony and his staff the gold and silver dinner service which they had been using at a banquet in Cilicia, she was imitating a Roman usage (Athen. 4.148 a; vi. p. 229 c); and the other instances on record of apophoreta belong to Roman society, and to the times of the Empire. The 14th Book of Martial consists of an introductory epigram and 222 distichs, each describing and designed to accompany one of these presents, which range from nuts to works of art and slaves. The first epigram speaks of the Saturnalia as the special time for their distribution. So Vespasian used to present them to men on the Saturnalia, to women on the Matronalia. (Suet. Vesp. 19; Aug. 75.) They were also given at weddings (Juv. 6.203, Schol.). Caligula gave 2,000,000 sesterces to the circus charioteer Eutychus in apophoretis (Suet. Calig. 55). Symmachus (Ep. 2.81, 5.56, 9.119, Migne) uses apophoreta and apophoreticum for presents made on other occasions.

2. (ἀποφορήτη), mentioned by Isidore (Orig. 20.4) as a kind of plate a Graecis a ferendo poma vel aliquid nominata, est enim plana. .


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