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Lucius, a Roman ambassador sent to Fidenae in B.C. 438.


Sextius, of Ameria, a town in Umbria, accused of the murder of his father, and defended by Cicero (B.C. 80) in an oration which is still extant.


Quintus, the most celebrated comic actor at Rome, was a native of Solonium, a small place in the neighbourhood of Lanuvium. His histrionic powers procured him the favour of many of the Roman nobles, and, among others, of the dictator Sulla , who presented him with a gold ring, the symbol of equestrian rank. Roscius enjoyed the friendship of Cicero, who constantly speaks of him in terms both of admiration and affection. Roscius was considered by the Romans to have reached such perfection in his profession that it became the fashion to call every one who became particularly distinguished in the histrionic art by the name of Roscius. He realized an immense fortune by his profession, and died in B.C. 62. See Histrio.


Otho. See Otho.

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