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(Jacques de Cujas). A distinguished expounder of the Roman law. He was born at Toulouse in 1522, the son of a tanner, and after being educated in the law, lectured at Cahors in 1554, becoming in the following year professor in the University of Bourges. From this seat of learning he was called to Valence in 1557, returning to Bourges in 1576. He died October 4th, 1590. Cujacius won a remarkable reputation by his study of the MSS. of the Roman juristic writings, and by his brilliant emendations that served to remove much of the obscurity that had enveloped the nicer questions of Roman law. These emendations were published in part in the work entitled Observationum et Emendationum Libri XVIII—a treatise that contemporary writers styled opus incomparabile. He also published editions of the Institutes, Pandects, etc., of Justinian, a part of the Theodosian Code, a Greek version of the Justinian laws, besides commentaries on the Consuetudines Feudorum, and on several books of the Decretals. His Observationes included a wide range of classical reading and criticism, so that he is frequently cited by philologists and students of the ancient literatures as well as by jurists.

The first complete collection of the writings of Cujacius was the edition of Fabrot, 10 vols. (Paris, 1658), reprinted at Naples (1757); and at Venice and Modena in 11 vols. (1758-82). See Spangenberg, Cujacius und seine Zeitgenossen (Leipzig, 1822).

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