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A daughter of Creon , king of Corinth, and wife of Iason. She received from Medea, as bridal presents, a diadem and a robe, both of which had been prepared with magic art and saturated with deadly poisons. On arraying herself in these, flames burst forth and destroyed her. Creon , the father of the princess, perished in a similar way, having thrown himself upon the body of his dying daughter, and being afterwards unable to extricate himself from the embrace of the corpse (Eurip. Med. 781 foll., 1156 foll.). According to the scholiast, she was also called Glaucé.


Daughter of Priam and Hecuba, and wife of Aeneas. When Troy was surprised by the Greeks, she fled in the night with her husband, but they were separated during the confusion, nor was her absence observed until the other fugitives arrived at the spot appointed for assembling. Aeneas a second time entered the burning city in quest of his wife; but while he was seeking for her through every quarter of Troy, Creüsa appeared to him as a deified personage, and appeased his alarm by informing him that she had been adopted by Cybelé among her own attendant nymphs; and she then urged him to pursue his course to Italy, with an intimation of the good fortune that awaited him in that land (Verg. Aen. ii. 562 foll.).

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