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The name of several kings of Pergamus.


Son of Attalus, a brother of Philetaerus, succeeded his cousin Eumenes I., and reigned B.C. 241-197. He took part with the Romans in the struggle against Philip and the Achaeans. He was a wise and just prince, and was distinguished by his patronage of literature.


Surnamed Philadelphus, second son of Attalus, succeeded his

Coin of Attalus I.

brother Eumenes II., and reigned B.C. 159-138. Like his father, he was an ally of the Romans, and also encouraged the arts and sciences.


Surnamed Philomētor, son of Eumenes II. and Stratonicé, succeeded his uncle Attalus II., and reigned B.C. 138-133. In his will he made the Romans his heirs, but his kingdom was claimed by Aristonicus. See Aristonicus.

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