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Asconius Pediānus

Quintus. A Roman grammarian and historian, probably born at Patavium about the year A.D. 3. He lived latterly at Rome, where he enjoyed the favour of men in high place. During the reigns of Claudius and Nero, having carefully studied the literature of the Ciceronian age, and availing himself of state-papers then existing, he composed for the use of his own sons his valuable historical commentaries on Cicero's orations, of which only those on five orations (In Pisonem, Pro Scauro, Pro Milone, Pro Cornelio, In toga candida) are preserved, unfortunately in a very fragmentary condition. The commentaries on the Verrine orations, which bear his name, belong probably to the fourth century A.D. They treat chiefly of grammatical points. No other works by

Ascopera, from an Ancient Painting. (Rich.)

Asconius have survived. He died, after twelve years' blindness, about A.D. 88. The editio princeps is that published at Venice in 1477. Text in the editions of Cicero by C. G. Schütze and Orelli - Baiter. See Gräfenhan, Gesch. d. klass. Philol. iv. 292.

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