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volnus (vuln-) eris, n

2 VEL-, a wound: abstergere volnera, T.: volnus in latere: multis acceptis volneribus, Cs.: claudicare ex volnere ob rem p. accepto: volneribus defessus, Cs.: volneribus confectus, L.: ego factum modo vulnus habebo, O.A blow, stroke, cut: Volneribus evicta (ornus), V.: ab acutae vulnere falcis frondes defendite, O.An injury, hole, rent, incision: vulnera pali Quem cavat, Iu.: aratri, O.—Fig., a wound, blow, injury, misfortune, calamity, defeat, disaster: fortunae gravissimo percussus volnere: rei p. volnera: volnera imposita provinciae sanare: non volnus super volnus sed multiplex clades, L.: tristi turbata volnere mentis, i. e. heartache, V.: regina Volnus alit venis, i. e. the wound of love, V.: dicat quo beatus Volnere, i. e. for whose love he suffers, H.

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