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remōtus adj. with comp. and sup.

P. of removeo, removed, far off, distant, remote, retired : silvestribus ac remotis locis, Cs.: Gades, H.: gramen, H.: domūs pars (i. e. penetralia), O.: remotius antrum, O.: sedes remotae a Germanis, Cs.: ab arbitris remoto loco: ab aulā, O.: quamvis longā regione remotus Absim, by however vast a space , O.—Fig., removed, disconnected, remote, apart, alien, separate, clear, free, strange : quae iam diu gesta et a memoriā remota: aratores, remotissimi a foro: vita remota ab honore populari: sermo a forensi strepitu remotissimus: homo ab omni suspicione: a Gracchi pudore longissime: naturae iura a volgari intellegentiā remotiora: a volgo longe longeque, H.Plur n . as subst., in philosophy, things rejected, things to be postponed (the Stoic ἀποπροηγμένα).

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