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re-fugiō fūgī, —, ere,

to flee back, flee for safety, run from, run away, flee, escape, take refuge, avoid, shun: qui refugerant, the refugees, Cs.: subsidia armatorum simulato pavore refugerunt, took to flight, L.: Audiit sonum, et tremefacta refugit, V.: ex castris in montem, Cs.: ex cursu ad Philippum, L.: admissis equis ad suos refugerunt, Cs.: in maiorem arcem, took refuge, L.: Syracusas: impetum Antiochi ceterorumque tela: non modo id refugisti, avoided: Attollentem iras (anguem), V.: (Cupido) refugit te, H.: nec Polyhymnia refugit tendere barbiton, refuses, H.: nec te (amnis) transire refugi, O.—Of things, to shrink back, flee, move away, turn back: refugiat timido sanguen, Enn. ap. C.: (sol) ubi medio refugerit orbe, shrinks from sight, V.: refugere oculi, C. poët.: quo pridie refugisset (mare), Cu.—Of places, to run back, fall back, recede: refugit ab litore templum, V.: ex oculis visa refugit humus, vanishes, O.—Fig., to flee, turn away, be averse, avoid, shun: animus meminisse horret luctuque refugit, has avoided the recollection because of grief, V.: refugit animus eaque dicere reformidat: ne recordatione mei casūs a consiliis fortibus refugiatis: a dicendo: Foeda ministeria, V.: iurgia, H.: opus, O.

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