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pēnsum ī, n

P. n. of pendo, wool weighed out to a slave for a day's spinning, allotment of wool : nocturna carpentes pensa puellae, V.: famulasque ad lumina longo Exercet penso, V.: pensa manu ducunt, Iu.—Fig., a charge, duty, office : meae diligentiae: nominis familiaeque, L.Weight, consideration, scruple, importance (only gen. of price): nihil pensi neque moderati habere, i. e. practise no reverence or self-control , S.: neque id quibus modis adsequeretur, quicquam pensi habebat, i. e. had no scruple , S.: sed illis nec quid dicerent, quicquam umquam pensi fuisse, they never cared at all , L.: quibus si quicquam pensi umquam fuisset, non, etc., had they ever had regard for anything , S.

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