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praerogātīvus adj.

prae-rogo, to ask first, voting first, asked before others : centuria, which cast the first vote in the comitia (originally the century of the equites, afterwards that which obtained the right by lot).—Hence, as subst f . (sc. centuria), the prerogative century : praerogativam maiores omen iustorum comitiorum esse voluerunt: sors praerogativae, L.: Calvum praerogativae tribunum militum creant, i. e. the equites , L.: omen praerogativae, i. e. in the choice of the century that voted first : praerogativam referre, to report the vote of the prerogative century.—A previous choice, preliminary election : militaris, L.: comitiorum militarium, L.A sure sign, token, prognostic, omen : voluntatis suae.

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