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ex-struō or extruō ūxī, ūctus, ere,

to pile, heap up, accumulate: materiam pro vallo, Cs.: acervum (librorum): exstructos disiecit montīs, V.: exstructis in altum divitiis, H.: tapetibus altis Exstructus, on a pile of, V.—To load, heap full, cover: mensae epulis exstruebantur: focum lignis, H.—To build up, raise, rear, erect, construct: exstrui vetat (Plato) sepulcrum altius quam, etc.: aedificium in alieno: tumulos, Cs.—To fill with buildings, build up: in exstruendo mari, S.—Fig., to depict, build in imagination: civitatem. — To erect, produce by labor: animo excellentiam virtutum: exstructa disciplina.

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