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exīstimō or exīstumō āvī, ātus, āre

ex + aestimo, to value, estimate, reckon : vita tanti existimata: magni operam eius, N.To appreciate, value, esteem, judge, consider, suppose, think, expect : vitae consuetudinem, pass judgment on , T.: alqd nullo modo: eum avarum: se parem armis, S.: Fulcinius honestus existimatus est: se minus timidos existimari velle, Cs.: utcunque (haec) existimata erunt, L.: quem ad modum existimes, vide, your habits of thought : te non existimas conflagraturum?: praecavendum existimabat, Cs.: disciplina in Galliam translata esse existimatur, Cs.: ita intellegimus volgo existimari: Quanto labore partum, T.: facta an dicta pluris sint, S.: utrum ... an ... existimari non poterat, be determined , Cs.: de alquā causā, L.: quid de imperatoribus existiment: aliter de sapiente, quin, etc.: existimari de ingeniis eorum potest, an estimate may be formed : in hostium numero existimari, be regarded as an enemy .

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