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sub-trahō trāxī, trāctus, ere,

to draw from below, drag out, draw off, carry off, withdraw, take away, remove: subtractus Numida mortuo superincubanti Romano vivus, L.: effracto colla iugo, O.: si dediticii subtrahantur, Cs.: ab dextro cornu milites, L.: oculos, avert, Ta.: tremit puppis Subtrahiturque solum, the sea gives way below, V. —Fig.: neque verba sedem habere possunt, si rem subtraxeris: aliis nominatis, me unum subtrahebat, omitted, Cu.: cui iudicio eum mors subtraxit, L.: me a curiā, withdraw: subtrahente se, withdrawing himself (as surety), L.

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