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-currō cucurrī or currī, cursus, ere,

to run down, hasten down, run, hasten: rus, make an excursion: de tribunali, L.: summā ab arce, V.: iugis, V.: Monte decurrens amnis, H.: tuto mari, to sail, O.: pedibus siccis super summa aequora, O.: ad navïs, Cs.: in mare, L.—To run over, run through, traverse: septingenta milia passuum decursa: decurso spatio: decursa novissima meta est, passed, O.—Esp., of troops, to march, effect a movement, move, manœuvre: crebro, L.: ex montibus in vallem, Cs.: ab arce, L.: incredibili celeritate ad flumen, Cs.: in armis, L.—Of a formal procession, to march, move: exercitum decucurisse cum tripudiis Hispanorum, L.: circum accensos rogos, V.— Of ships, to land, come to land: Syracusas ex alto, L.—Fig., to come, come away, hasten: omnium eo sententiae decurrerunt, ut, etc., L.: decurritur ad leniorem sententiam, ut, etc., L.: eo decursum est, ut, etc., the conclusion was reached, L. — To pass, traverse, run over, pass through: aetate decursā: inceptum unā decurre laborem, V.: ista, quae abs te breviter decursa sunt, treated.—To betake oneself, have recourse: ad haec extrema iura: ad miseras preces, H.: alio, H.: decurritur ad illud extremum, S., C., Cs.

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