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ad-flō (aff-) āvī, —, āre,

to blow on, breathe upon: terga tantum adflante vento, L.: me ful minis ventis, blasted with, V.: qui (odores) adflarentur e floribus: taurorum adflabitur ore, i. e. scorched by the breath, O.: (pennarum) iactatibus adflata est tellus, is fanned, O.: Hos necat adflati tabe veneni, poisonous breath, O.: quidquid aurae fluminis adpropinquabant, adflabat verior frigoris vis, the nearer ... the keener blew, L.: velut illis Canidia adflasset, H. — Fig., to inspire: adflata est numine ... dei, V.: te adflavit E tribus soror, a Fury has inflamed thee, O.: gregibus amores, Tb.—To breathe on, impart by breathing: laetos oculis adflarat (Venus) honores, breathed charms upon, V.—To waft towards (only fig.): sperat sibi auram posse aliquam adflari voluntatis, some intimation of good-will; cf. cui placidus leniter adflat amor, i. e. is propitious, Pr.

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