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vincĭo , vinxi, vinctum (
I.part. vinciturus, Petr. 45, 10), 4, v. a., to bind, to bind or wind about; to fetter, tie, fasten; to surround, encircle, etc. (class., esp. in the trop. sense; syn.: ligo, necto, constringo).
B. In partic.
1. To compress, lace: “demissis umeris esse, vincto pectore, ut, gracilae sient,” i. e. tightly laced, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 23.—
2. To compass, surround, guard, mid.: “Caesarem quidem aiunt acerrime dilectum habere, loca occupare, vinciri praesidiis,Cic. Att. 7, 18, 2 B. and K. (al. vincire, i. e. loca).—
3. To make firm, harden, fix, fasten: “humus vincta pruinā,Petr. 123 (but the true reading, Ov. P. 2, 2, 96, is juncta; so Sall. C. 55, 4).—
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