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vĕrēcundĭa , ae, f. verecundus,
I.the natural feeling of shame, by whatever cause produced, shamefacedness, bashfulness, shyness, coyness, modesty, etc.
I. In gen. (class.; syn.: pudicitia, castitas, pudor).
B. With gen. obj.
(α). With gen. rei: “turpitudinis verecundia,dread of wrong-doing, Cic. Tusc. 5, 26, 74: “negandi,id. Or. 71, 238; “Quint. prooem. § 3: respondendi,id. 3, 5, 15: “hujus sermonis,Liv. 26, 50, 4.—
(β). With gen. personae (not freq. till after the Aug. period): “quando nec ordinis hujus ulla, nec reipublicae est verecundia,respect for, reverence, Liv. 4, 45, 8: “parentis, vitrici, deorum,id. 39, 11, 2: “ne auctorem ponam, verecundia ipsius facit,Quint. 6, 3, 64: “majestatis magistratuum,Liv. 2, 36, 3: “aetatis,id. 1, 6, 4; cf. id. 1, 3, 10: “legum,id. 10, 13, 8.—Transf.: “quidam ita sunt receptae auctoritatis ac notae verecundiae, ut, etc.,” i. e. of known venerableness, Quint. 6, 3, 33.—
II. In partic., with an implication of censure.
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