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tactus , ūs, m. tango,
I.a touching, touch, handling (class.).
II. Transf.
B. The sense of feeling, feeling, touch: “tactus corporis est sensus,Lucr. 2, 434 sq.: “tactus toto corpore aequabiliter fusus est,Cic. N. D. 2, 56, 141: “ut caelum sub aspectum et tactum cadat,id. Univ. 5: “habere tactum atque gustatum,Plin. 11, 4, 3, § 10: “Cyrenaei (dicunt) ea se sola percipere, quae tactu intimo sentiant, ut dolorem, ut voluptatem,Cic. Ac. 2, 24, 76; cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 20: “qui ... non odore ullo, non tactu, non sapore capiatur,id. Cael. 17, 42 (Lucr. 1, 454 is an interpolation; v. Lachm. and Munro ad loc.).
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