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stătārĭus , a, um, adj. sto,
I.of or belonging to standing or standing fast, standing, standing firm, stationary, steady (very rare; usually stabilis).
I. In gen.: “statarius miles,Liv. 9, 19: “hostis,id. 22, 18: “retia,” i. e. that remain long in the water, Sid. Ep. 2, 2 med.: “prandium,eaten standing, Mamert. Grat. Act. ad Jul. 11 fin.: “congressio,” i. e. a battle in the open field, Amm. 14, 2, 8.—
B. Transf., calm, tranquil; of an orator: “C. Piso, statarius et sermonis plenus orator,Cic. Brut. 68, 239.—
II. In partic., subst.: stătārĭa (sc. comoedia), a kind of comedy, so called from the quiet acting of the performers (opp. motoria, bustling, noisy), Ter. Heaut. prol. 36 sq. Don. ad loc. and ad; id. Ad. prol. 24.—Hence, subst.: stătārĭi , ōrum, m., the actors in the comoedia stataria, Cic. Brut. 30, 116.
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