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prae-ĕo (sometimes written in inscrr. with one e, PRAERAT, etc.), īvi and ĭi, ĭtum, īre, v. n. and
I.a., to go before, lead the way, precede (syn.: praegredior, antecedo).
I. Lit.
(β). Act.: “per avia ac derupta praeibat eum,Tac. A. 6, 21: “ludos Circenses eburna effigies (Germanici) praeiret,id. ib. 2, 83.—
II. Trop.
A. In gen., to go before, precede (rare but class.).
(α). Neutr.: “naturā praeeunte,Cic. Fin. 5, 21, 58.—
(β). Act.: “acto raptim agmine, ut famam sui praeiret,to outstrip, Tac. A. 15, 4.—
B. In partic., a relig. and publicist's t. t., to precede one in reciting a formula (as of prayer, consecration, an oath, etc.), i. e. to repeat first, to dictate any thing (the predom. signif. of the word); constr. most freq. with aliquid (alicui), and less freq. with verbis, voce, or absol.
(β). Praeire verbis: “praei verbis quid vis,Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 48.—
(γ). Absol., with dat. of the person: “praeivimus commilitonibus jusjurandum more sollemni praestantibus,Plin. Ep. 10,52 (60): “de scripto praeire,to read before, Plin. 28, 2, 3, § 12: “ades, Luculle, Servili, dum dedico domum Ciceronis, ut mihi praeeatis,Cic. Dom. 52, 133.—
2. Transf., apart from technical lang., to recite, read, sing, or play before one (rare but class.): “ut vobis voce praeirent, quid judicaretis,Cic. Mil. 2, 3: “si legentibus singulis praeire semper ipsi velint,wish to read before, Quint. 2, 5, 3; 1, 2, 12; and: “praeeunte aliquā jucundā voce,id. 1, 10, 16: “tibiam Caio Graccho cum populo agenti praeisse ac praemonstrasse modulos ferunt,Gell. 1, 11, 10.—
b. In partic., to lead the way, by orders, directions, precepts: “omnia, uti decemviri praeierunt, facta,Liv. 43, 13 fin. (cf. praefor): “si de omni quoque officio judicis praeire tibi me vis,Gell. 14, 2, 12.— Hence, praeiens , Part., going before; as subst.: praeiens , euntis, m., he who precedes another, as a precentor or leader: “lectio non omnis nec semper praeeunte eget,Quint. 1, 2, 12.
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