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per-cŭtĭo , cussi, cussum, 3 (
I.perf. contr. percusti for percussisti, Hor. S. 2, 3, 273), v. a. quatio.
I. (With the notion of the per predominating.) To strike through and through, to thrust or pierce through (syn.: percello, transfigo).
A. Lit.: “percussus cultello,Varr. R. R. 1, 69, 2: “gladio percussus,Cic. Mil. 24, 65: “Mamilio pectus percussum,Liv. 2, 19, 8: “coxam Aeneae,Juv. 15, 66: “vena percutitur,a vein is opened, blood is let, Sen. Ep. 70, 16: “fossam,to cut through, dig a trench, Front. Strat. 3, 17; Plin. Ep. 10, 50, 4.—
B. Transf., to slay, kill (class.; cf.: “neco, perimo, ico, ferio): aliquem securi,to behead, Cic. Pis. 34, 84; id. Fin. 1, 7, 23: “collum percussa securi Victima,Ov. Tr. 4, 2, 5; Liv. 39, 43: “aliquem veneno,App. M. 10, p. 252, 21: “hostem,Suet. Calig. 3; Ov. H. 4, 94.—Hence, percutere foedus, to make a league, conclude a treaty (because an animal was slaughtered on the occasion; “only post-Aug. for ferio, ico), Auct. B. Alex. 44: cum Albanis foedus percussit,Just. 42, 3, 4; 43, 5, 10; Vulg. 3 Reg. 5, 12.—
II. (With the idea of the verb predominating.) To strike, beat, hit, smite, shoot, etc. (cf.: ico, pulso, ferio).
A. Lit.
1. In gen. (class.): “ceu lapidem si Percutiat lapis aut ferrum,Lucr. 6, 162: “cum Cato percussus esset ab eo, qui arcam ferebat,had been struck, Cic. de Or. 2, 69, 279: “januam manu,Tib. 1, 5, 68; 1, 6, 3: “turres de caelo percussae,struck with lightning, Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 19; cf.: “hunc nec Juppiter fulmine percussit,id. N. D. 3, 35, 84: “percussus ab aspide calcatā,stung, bitten, Plin. 23, 1, 27, § 56; cf.: PERCVSSVS A VIPERA, Inscr. Vermigl. Iscriz. Perug. p. 319; Plin. 28, 3, 6, § 30; 28, 4, 10, § 44: “color percussus luce refulgit,struck, Lucr. 2, 799; cf. Ov. M. 6, 63; Val. Fl. 1, 495: “auriculae (voce) percussae,Prop. 1, 16, 28: “percussus vocibus circus,Sil. 16, 398.—Neutr.: “sol percussit super caput,Vulg. Jonae, 4, 8.—
2. In partic.
a. To strike, stamp, coin money (post-Aug.): “ut nummum argenteum notā sideris Capricorni percusserit,Suet. Aug. 94; id. Ner. 25. —
b. To strike, play a musical instrument (poet.): “lyram,Ov. Am. 3, 12, 40; Val. Fl. 5, 100.—
c. As t. t. in weaving, to throw the shuttle with the woof: (lacernae) male percussae textoris pectine Galli, badly or coarsely woven, Juv. 9, 30.—
d. Haec meraclo se percussit flore Libyco (=vino Mareotico), to get drunk, Plaut. Cas. 3, 5, 16 (cf.: sauciare se flore Liberi, Enn. ap. Fulg. 562, 25).—
B. Trop.
1. To smite, strike, visit with calamity of any kind (class.): “percussus calamitate,Cic. Mur. 24, 49: “percussus fortunae vulnere,id. Ac. 1, 3, 11: “ruina,Vulg. Zach. 14, 18: anathemate. id. Mal. 4, 6: “plaga,id. 1 Macc. 1, 32: “in stuporem,id. Zach. 12, 4.—
2. To strike, shock, make an impression upon, affect deeply, move, astound (class.): “percussisti me de oratione prolatā,Cic. Att. 3, 12, 3; id. Mil. 29, 79: audivi ex Gavio, Romae esse hominem, et fuisse assiduum: percussit animum, it struck me, made me suspicious, id. Att. 4, 8, b, 3: “animos probabilitate,id. Tusc. 5, 11, 33: “percussus atrocissimis litteris,id. Fam. 9, 25, 3: “fragor aurem percutit,Juv. 11, 98.—
3. To cheat, deceive, impose upon one (class.): “aliquem probe,Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 9: “hominem eruditum,Cic. Fl. 20, 46: “hominem strategemate,id. Att. 5, 2, 2: “aliquem palpo,to flatter, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 28.—
4. (Acc. to II. A. 2. a.) To strike, stamp (post-Aug.): “facta dictaque tua unā formā percussa sunt,Sen. Ep. 34, 3.
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