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prŏcellōsus , a, um, adj. procella,
I.full of storms, stormy, tempestuous, boisterous (perh. not ante - Aug.): ver procellosum, Liv. 40, 2: “status caeli,Col. 9, 4, 1: “mare,Val. Fl. 3, 621; cf. in the sup.: procellosissimum pelagus, Aug. Civ. Dei, 5, 22 fin.: Noti, stormy winds, i. e. which raise storms, Ov. H. 2, 12; id. Am. 2, 6, 44.—Adv.: prŏcellōsē , boisterously (late Lat.): “genus humanum procellose tumidum,Aug. Conf. 13, 20.
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