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mĕlos , i, n. (Greek plur. mele, Lucr. 2, 412.—In
I.masc.: quosdam melos, Cato ap. Non. 213, 17; so Pac. and Varr. ib.), = μέλος, a tune, air, strain, song, lay (ante-class. and poet.): suave summum melos, Naev. ap. Non. 213, 11: quosdam melos, Cato ap. Non. 77, 7: Silvani melo Consimilis cantus, Att. ap. Cic. N. D. 2, 35, 89: “longum,Hor. C. 3, 4, 2: Pegaseium, Pers. prol. —Greek plur.: “cui brevia mela modifica recino,Aus. Parent. 27.
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