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līnĕa (līnĭa ), ae, f. linum,
I.a linen thread, a string, line.
I. Lit.: “nectere lineas, restes, funes,Varr. R. R. 1, 23, 6: “linia longinqua per os religata,Plin. 9, 17, 26, § 59: “ligato pede longā lineā gallina custoditur,Col. 8, 11, 15: “linea margaritarum triginta quinque,Dig. 35, 2, 26; cf.: “lineae duae ex margaritis,ib. 34, 2, 40; and ib. 9, 2, 27 fin.: “linea dives (of the strings of pearls which were thrown among the people at the public games),Mart. 8, 78, 7 (cf. Suet. Ner. 11).—
B. In partic.
1. In a net, the threads which form the meshes: “licia difficile cernuntur: atque ut in plagis lineae offensae, praecipitant in sinum (of spiders' webs),Plin. 11, 24, 28, § 82.—
2. A fishing-line: “tremulāve captum lineā trahit piscem,Mart. 3, 58, 27; 10, 30, 18.—Hence, prov.: mittere lineam, to cast a line, to fish for, try to catch a person, Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 22.—
3. A plumbline of masons and carpenters: “perpendiculo et lineā uti,Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 1; cf.: “ad regulam et lineam,Vitr. 7, 3; 5, 3; Pall. 3, 9.—Hence,
4. A region, tract: “linea tam rectum mundi ferit illa Leonem,that region lies directly under the lion, Luc. 10, 306.—
5. A bowstring, Ter. Maur. praef. v. 19.—
2. In partic.
(α). A boundary-line which consisted of a narrow path between fields, Hyg. de Limit. p. 151; 152 Goes. —
(β). In gen., a way, path: “dedit sequendam calle recto lineam,Prud. Cath. 7, 48.—
b. A barrier or line in the theatre, by which the seats were separated from each other: “quid frustra refugis? cogit nos linea jungi,Ov. Am. 3, 2, 19; id. A. A. 1, 139: “lineas poscere,Quint. 11, 3, 133.—
c. A feature, lineament: “adulti venustissimis lineis,Arn. 5, 179 al.
B. Trop.
1. A line of descent or kindred, lineage (post-class.): στέμματα cognationum directo limite in duas lineas separantur, quarum altera est superior, altera inferior, Dig. 38, 10, 9: “clara gentis Linea,Stat. S. 3, 3, 43: “primo gradu superioris linea continentur pater, mater,Paul. Sent. 4, 11, 1.—
2. An outline, sketch, design (a fig. borrowed from painting): “quidam materias latius dicendo prosequebantur ... alii, cum primas modo lineas duxissent,Quint. 2, 6, 2; cf. id. 4, 2, 120: ea quae in Platonis oratione demiramur, non aemulari quidem, sed lineas umbrasque facere ausi sumus, Gell. 17, 20, 8.—
3. A boundary-line, bound, limit, end, goal: “cum poëtae transilire lineas impune possint,Varr. L. L. 9, § 5 Müll.; Cassiod. Var. 3, 50: “si quidem est peccare tamquam transire lineas,to go beyond the mark, pass the prescribed limits, Cic. Par. 3, 1, 20: “mors ultima linea rerum est,Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 79: “admoveri lineas sentio,Sen. Ep. 49.—Hence, prov.: amare extremā lineā, to love at a distance, i. e. to see the beloved object only at a distance, not be able to speak to her, Ter. Eun. 4, 2, 12.
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