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inter-călo , āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., lit., proclaim that something has been intercalated, to insert, intercalate a day or month (syn.: interpono, intericio); usu. in pass.: “si intercalatum erit Calendis Maiis,Cato, R. R. 159: “ut duodecim annis continuis non intercalaretur,Suet. Caes. 40: “fasti intercalandi licentiā turbati,id. ib.: “dies intercalatus,Macr. S. 1, 14 fin. — Impers.: “quando primo intercalatum sit,Macr. S. 1, 13, 19.— Act. absol.: “Junius Servium Tullium regem primum intercalasse commemorat,Macr. S. 1, 13, 20. The pontifices, to whom it was left to determine the number of intercalary days, were often induced, by party considerations, to insert more or fewer than the proper number of days, or even to neglect the intercalation altogether.—Hence, pass. impers.: illud memento curare ... ut annus noster maneat suo statu, ne quid novi decernatur; “hoc tibi ita mando ... ut pugnes, ne intercaletur,Cic. Att. 5, 9, 2.—
II. Transf.: “intercalata poena,” i. e. put off, deferred, Liv. 9, 9, 2.
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