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ingurgĭto , āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. in-gurges, pour in like a flood or whirlpool.
B. To flood, to fill: “Rhodanus palude sese ingurgitat, nomine Lemanno,Amm. 15, 11, 16.—
C. To glut or gorge one's self with meat and drink, to gormandize, guzzle: “se caeno (of swine),Lact. 4, 17, 21: “crudique postridie se rursus ingurgitant,Cic. Fin. 3, 8, 23: “ingenium crebris et ingentibus poculis,Gell. 15, 2, 3.— Hence, ingurgitari, to make one's self drunk, to get drunk: “anus ingurgitata,Petr. 79: “temeto ingurgitatus,Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 3.—
II. Trop., to engage deeply in, be absorbed in any thing, to addict or devote one's self to: “se in flagitia,Cic. Pis. 18, 42: “se in alicujus copias,id. Phil. 2, 27, 66: “qui degustandum ex philosophia censet, non in eam ingurgitandum,Gell. 5, 16, 5 (cf. Enn. Trag. v. 340 Rib. ad loc.).
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