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glūten , ĭnis, n. (
I.masc. acc. to Mart. Cap. 3, § 296), and glūtĭnum , i, n. v. glus; cf. λισός, λισσός, smooth; γλίσχρος, sticky, glue.
I. Lit., form gluten: “collectumque haec ipsa ad munera gluten,Verg. G. 4, 40; Lucr. 6, 1069; Verg. G. 4, 160; Cels. 8, 7; Plin. 16, 40, 79, § 215 al.; form glutinum. glutinum ferunt Daedalum invenisse, Varr. ap. Charis. p. 67 and 106; Sall. Fragm. ib.; Cels. 5, 5; Plin. 11, 39, 94, § 231; 13, 12, 26, § 82; 28, 17, 71, § 236; Vitr. 7, 10; Aus. Idyll. 12, 10 al.
B. Transf., a connecting tie, band (post-class.): “ossa, nervos ac medullas glutino cutis tegi,Prud. Cath. 9, 102.—
II. Trop.: εἱμαρμένη et necessitas ambae sibi invicem individuo connexae sunt glutino (al. glutinio), App. Trism. p. 100: “glutino caritatis haerens,Hier. Ep. 3, 3.
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