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flaccesco (ante-class. also flaccisco ), flaccŭi, 3,
I.v. inch. n., to wilt, wither, dry up (cf. tabesco).
I. Lit.: “faeniculum cum legeris, sub tecto exponito, dum flaccescat,Col. 12, 7, 4: “flaccescente fronde,Vitr. 2, 9, 2: “stercus cum flaccuit,Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 4. —
II. Trop., to become faint or feeble, to droop, languish: flucti flacciscunt, silescunt venti, Pac. ap. Non. 488, 15 (Trag. Rel. v. 77 ed. Rib.): flaccescebat oratio, * Cic. Brut. 24, 93: “flaccescentes voluptates,Arn. 4, 142: “ad numerum cymbalorum mollita indignatione flaccescunt,” i. e. become mild, softened, id. 7, 237.
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