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exŭvĭae , ārum, f. exuo,
I.that which is stripped, drawn or taken off from the body, clothing, equipments, arms, etc. (mostly poet.).
I. In gen.: “induviae tuae atque uxoris exuviae,Plaut. Men. 1, 3, 9; so ib. 13: “pyram Erige et arma viri ... exuviasque omnes ... super imponant,Verg. A. 4, 496; cf. id. E. 8, 91: “cum fulmine et sceptro exuviisque Jovis,Suet. Aug. 94; cf. Fest. S. V. TENSA, p. 365, 1 Müll.: EXVVIAS FECIT, i. q. funus fecit, Inscr. in Bull. dell' Inst. 1844, p. 90.—The skin of an animal; “(coluber) positis novus exuviis,his slough, Verg. A. 2, 473; of the lion's hide, id. ib. 9, 307; the tiger's hide, id. ib. 11, 577; the golden fleece, Val. Fl. 6, 19; 8, 65.—Comic.: “bubulae,thongs of ox-hide, Plaut. Most. 4, 1, 26.—Hair: “devotae flavi verticis exuviae,Cat. 66, 62; Sen. Hippol. 1181.—
II. In partic., spoils stripped from an enemy, as arms, booty, etc. (syn.: praeda, spolia, manubiae): locus (i. e. Rostra) exuviis nauticis et classium spoliis ornatus, * Cic. de Imp. Pomp. 18, 55: “(Hector) exuvias indutus Achilli,Verg. A. 2, 275: “haec arma exuviasque viri tua quercus habebit,id. ib. 10, 423: “hostiles,Tib. 1, 1, 54; cf. “bellorum,Juv. 10, 133.—*
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