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ē-văgor , ātus, 1,
I.v. dep. n. and a.
I. Neutr., to wander forth, to roam about; to scatter or spread about, to extend (class.).
B. In milit. lang., to march to and fro, make evolutions, manœuvre: “nullo ad evagandum relicto spatio,Liv. 22, 47, 3; 23, 47, 5.—
C. Trop., to spread, extend, digress: qui appetitus longius evagantur, * Cic. Off. 1, 29, 102: “late evagata est vis morbi,Liv. 3, 7 fin.: “latissime evagandi sibi viam facere (exempla),Vell. 2, 3, 4: “ne Demostheni permittant evagari,Quint. 3, 6, 3; so of wandering, digressing in speaking, id. 2, 4, 32; 3, 11, 25; “of overstepping the limits of duty: procuratores,Spart. Hadr 3 § 9.—*
II. Act., to stray beyond, to overstep any thing: “ordinem,Hor. C. 4, 15, 10.
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