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-vello , velli (Ov. M. 11, 38;
I.but divulsi,Sen. Hippol. 1173), vulsum, 3, v. a.
I. To rend asunder, to tear in pieces, to separate violently, to tear (class.; cf.: findo, scindo, dirimo, segrego, secerno).
B. Trop., to tear violently apart, remove, destroy, sunder: “commoda civium,Cic. Off. 2, 23, 82: “rem dissolutam divulsamque conglutinare,id. de Or. 1, 41, 188; cf. id. ib. 3, 6, 24: “affinitas divelli nullo modo poterat,to be dissolved, destroyed, id. Quint. 6, 25; cf. “amicitiam,Sen. Ep. 6; and: “amorem querimoniis,Hor. C. 1, 13, 19: “somnos (cura),id. Ep. 1, 10, 18: “distineor et divellor dolore,am distracted, Cic. Planc. 33, 79.—
II. (Like distraho, II.) To tear away, separate, remove from something (class.).
B. Trop.: “sapientiam, temperantiam, a voluptate divellere ac distrahere,Cic. Fin. 1, 16, 50. —So of persons, to draw away from one in feeling, to estrange: “qui a me mei servatorem capitis divellat ac distrahat,Cic. Planc. 42, 102.
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