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dēspecto , āre,
I.v. intens. a. [id.], to look down upon any thing from a height (perh. not ante-Aug.).
B. Of a high place, to overlook or command: “et quos maliferae despectant moenia Abellae,Verg. A. 7, 740; cf.: “spectacula Tarpeium prope despectantia culmen,Calp. Ecl. 7, 24 (but in Liv. 36, 25, 3, the true reading is spectat).—
II. Trop., to look down upon, to despise (used by Tac.): “liberos infra,Tac. A. 2, 43: “ne ut victi et ignavi despectarentur,id. H. 2, 30.
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