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-haerĕo , haesi, haesum, 2, v. n., cling together, to be united, either of that whose parts cling together, to cohere, or of that which cleaves to something else, to adhere.
I. Of a whole as composed of parts, or of the parts of a whole, to cling together, be united, to cohere, press or crowd together.
A. Lit.
2. Pregn., to consist in or of, be composed of; with abl. (rare): “cum alia quibus cohaererent homines e mortali genere sumpserint, quae fragilia essent et caduca, animum esse ingeneratum a deo,Cic. Leg. 1, 8, 24; cf.: mundus omnibus partibus inter se congruentibus cohaeret et nititur, etc., Cic. Leg. ap. Lact. 5, 8, 10.—
B. Trop.
1. Of persons united by kindred, friendship, etc., to be near, close, united: “turpes ac perniciosos, etiamsi nobis sanguine cohaereant, amputandos,Quint. 8, 3, 75: “est enim mihi perjucundum quod viri optimi mihique amicissimi adeo cohaesistis ut invicem vos obligari putetis,Plin. Ep. 7, 7, 1.—
2. Of things.
a. In discourse, to belong together, be closely connected: “quae... si suis quaeque temporibus reddere voluero, interrumpendae sunt res Asiae, quas... sicut inter se cohaerent, ita opere ipso conjungi aptius videri potest,Curt. 5, 1, 2.—
II. To cling closely to something else, to adhere, be connected with, cleave to, be in contact with, etc.
A. Lit.
3. With in and abl.: “cohaerentis videmus in conchis (margaritas), etc.,Plin. 9, 35, 54, § 109.—
4. Absol.: “jamque ea (navis) quae non cohaerebat,” i.e. which did not collide, Curt. 4, 4, 7.—
2. To be vitally connected with, to depend upon a thing; with abl.: “sed ita legibus Sullae cohaerere statum civitatis adfirmat, ut iis solutis stare ipsa non possit,Quint. 11, 1, 85.—Hence,
1. cŏhae-rens , entis, P. a. (cohering, i.e.), being in accord, corresponding: “aptius et cohaerentius,Gell. 1, 1, 6.—*
2. cŏhaerenter , adv., continuously, uninterruptedly: “dimicatum est,Flor. 2, 17, 5.—
3. cŏhaesus , a, um. P. a., pressed together: “quercus stricta denuo et cohaesa,Gell. 15, 16, 4.
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