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βύβλου. These lists, which recorded a king's stature, character, and deeds, as well as the length of his reign, are mentioned by Diodorus (i. 44); on them Manetho based his history. (For them cf. App. X. 1.) Where H. obtained his ‘330’ it is impossible to say; on it he bases (142 n.) his calculation as to the length of Egyptian history; but, apart from other difficulties, H. is wrong in making the kings all succeed each other; no doubt several of the dynasties were contemporary.

Αἰθίοπες: C. 137 mentions an Aethiopian invasion, that of Sabacos; but these ‘18’ seem to be different.

For Nitocris at Babylon cf. i. 185 n.; for this Egyptian queen cf. F. Petrie, i. 105, and Hall, J. H. S. xxiv. 208-13. Nitocris is placed by Manetho at the end of the sixth dynasty; he calls her εὐμορφοτάτη τῶν κατ᾽ αὐτήν, ξανθὴ τὴν χροιάν, and attributes to her the third pyramid (cf. 134 nn.). But her very existence seems doubtful; the Neterkara of the sixth-dynasty monuments was prob ably a king, not a queen. (For the origin of the confusion see Hall, u. s.) There was also on the Turin papyrus a Queen Neitakerti, who may be the original of H.'s Nitocris; perhaps she belongs to the period of confusion under the fifteenth to the seventeenth dynasties; but there was no trace of the story told by H.

The name may be connected with Nitocris, who was made priestess of Thebes by her father, Psammetichus I (cf. for her, Cairo Museum, No. 673, p. 208, E. T.); H. had heard much of this Saite house.

καινοῦν, ‘ostensibly she handselled it.’

σποδοῦ: she would be choked by the ashes. Ctesias (48, 51, 52, pp. 76-7) mentions this as a Persian punishment used by Darius Ochus; cf. also Val. Max. ix. 2. 6, and Ovid, Ibis, 317.

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