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[846] οἰόζωνον journeying alone. The peculiarity of the idiom is that the second part of the compound is equivalent to a separate epithet for the noun: i. e. οἰόζωνος, “with solitary girdle,” signifies, “alone, and girt up.” Soph. OC 717τῶν ἑκατομπόδων Νηρῄδων,” not, “with a hundred feet each,” but, countless, and dancing: Soph. OC 17πυκνόπτεροι αἠδόνες,” not, thickly-feathered, but, many and winged: Soph. OC 1055διστόλους ἀδελφάς,” not, separately-journeying sisters, but, two sisters, journeying: Soph. Aj. 390δισσάρχας βασιλῆς,” not, diversely-reigning kings, but, two reigning kings: Eur. Alc. 905κόρος μονόπαις,” not, a youth with one child, but, a youth, his only child: Eur. Phoen. 683διώνυμοι θεαί,” not, goddesses with contrasted names, but, several goddesses, each of whom is invoked. So I understand Eur. Orest. 1004μονόπωλον Ἀῶ,” “Eos who drives her steeds alone” (when moon and stars have disappeared from the sky).

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