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AQUAE (Călan) Hunedoara, Romania.

An important civil settlement and health resort on a terrace of the Strei river NW of the present town. The name appears as Hydata in Ptolemy (3.8.4). The site, called pagus Aquensis, belonged to the territory of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa and was ruled by a praefectus, who was at the same time the decurion of Sarmizegetusa.

All that remains is a basin at a water source, and traces of the imperial road to Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. The camp traces are uncertain. The neighboring quarry was used in antiquity.

Among important inscriptions discovered was one from A.D. 161, in honor of the governor P. Furius Saturninus (CIL III, 1412), and tiles and bricks bearing the seals of Legio XIII Gemina.


V. Christescu, Viaţa economică a Daciei romane (1929) 102; D. Tudor, Oraşe, tîirguri şi sate în Dacia romană (1968) 115-19.


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