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TRAIANOPOLIS (Doriskos) Thrace, Greece.

The ancient capital of Rhodope, founded by Trajan on the site of the earlier town of Doriskos. Darius left a small garrison at a fort there after his war with the Scythians. At Doriskos, Xerxes gathered men and supplies in preparation for the invasion of Greece. Even though the surrounding territory returned to Thracian control, the fort was still held by the Persians in the time of Herodotos, later in the 5th c. It was garrisoned by both Philip II and Philip V of Macedon. The site has been identified with an acropolis near Loutros at the edge of the high ground W of the Evros (ancient Hebros) delta. In addition to prehistoric remains, marble architectural fragments and inscriptions have been found, the latter including a precinct boundary stone at the foot of the acropolis. Dumont reported extensive remains of houses and streets on the plain near the sea, but no sign of monumental public buildings.


Hdt. 7.25, 58f, 105f; A. Dumont-Homolle, Mélanges d'archeologie et d'égraphie (1892) 224f; BCH 37 (1913) 147.


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