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SAME (Sami) On the island of Kephallenia, Greece.

The Homeric name (Il. 2.634; Od. 1.246; 4.67 1; 9.24; 15.29) has been handed down, designating either the entire island or only its E part (cf. Hdt. 9.28; Plin., HN 5.54). The present name refers to a small port not far from the ruins of the ancient city. Same, the capital of the island, was taken and destroyed in 189 B.C. by M. Fulvius Nobilior because of its resistance to the Romans. Situated at the center of a fertile, well-watered zone near the sea, the city developed considerably and was defended by a vast wall of ca. 3500 km. In ancient times Same had two acropoleis, of which the one farthest S has been identified in the locality of Kyathis.

Several Hellenistic tombs, a grotto sacred to the cult of Pan, and a notable thermal complex datable to the late 2d-early 3d c. B.C. have been excavated near the urban center. A fine male portrait in bronze from the late period of the Emperor Gallienus has recently been found.


J. Partsch, Kephallenia und Ithaka (1890); B. V. Head, Historia Numorum (1911); A. K. Orlandos, To Ergon tis archaiologhikis Etaireias 1959 (1960), 1960 (1961); V. Kallipolitis, MonPiot 54 (1965); G. Daux, BCH (1961, 1967).


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