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Excavations have uncovered a summit sanctuary with a temple on the Roc du Combalou, which overlooks Roquefort. The sanctuary (9.5 x 0.8 m) has a double enclosure of Celtic tradition. The offerings consisted of Roman coins dating from the reign of Augustus to the 4th c., jewelry and other small bronze artifacts, votive terracotta figurines, terra sigillata from La Graufesenque, and Early Christian stamped pottery of the Late Empire.


L. Balsan, “Une station gallo-romaine sur le Combalou,” P.V. de la Soc. des Lettres de l'Aveyron 36 (1949-53) 313-18 (= Rev. du Rouergue 7 [1953] 419-24); id., “Temples et fana des Rutènes,” ibid. 38 (1959-62) 266-70 (= Rev. du Rouergue 15 [1961] 417-23); id., “Céramiques inédites de La Graufesenque,” Ogam 12 (1960) 174-75 & pl. XX; J.-P. Serres, “Le temple gallo-romain du Combalou,” Bull. de la Soc. d'études roquefortoises, nos. 1-2 (1956) 6-8, 13-15; P.-F. Fournier, “Monnaies du Combalou,” ibid. 16-17; M. Labrousse in Gallia 17 (1959) 412-13 & figs. 3-4; 20 (1962) 554 & fig. 7; J. Rigoir, “Les sigillées paléochréiennes grises et orangées,” Gallia 26 (1968) 212-13, 238.


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