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MT. MAISKAIA Bosporus.

Greek site on a small hill near Phanagoria, dating to the 4th-3d c. It contains foundations of two 4th-3d c. buildings, the one best preserved being a monument in antis, probably a temple. Both monuments were destroyed by fire in the 2d c. B.C. Not far from the temple was found a favissa containing a great number of terracotta half-figure ex-votos of Demeter, Aphrodite, and Artemis from the late 6th-3d c. as well as several dozen coins. The Pushkin Museum, Moscow, contains material from the site.


I. D. Marchenko, “K voprosu o kul'takh aziiatskogo Bospora,” VDI (1960) 2.101-7; id., “Novye dannye ob antichnom sviatilishche vblizi Fanagorii,” in 50 let Gosudarstvennogo muzeia izobrazitil'nykh iskusstv im. A. S. Pushkina: Sbornik statei (1962) 121-33; id., “Nekotorye itogi raskopok na Maiskoi gore,” KSIA 95 (1963) 86-90; I. B. Brašinskij, “Recherches soviétiques sur les monuments antiques des régions de la Mer Noire,” Eirene 7 (1968) 109.


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