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BINGIUM (Bingen) Rhineland Palatinate, Germany.

A Roman settlement on the right bank of the Nahe (ancient Nava) where it joins the Rhine. A bridge of the Roman Rhine valley route which crossed the Nava at this point was protected by a castellum for auxiliary troops in the first half of the 1st c. A.D. Particularly important in the Roman road network was a route from Bingen to the imperial town of Trier, which is marked in the Peutinger Table. Stationed at Bingen were Cohors IV Delmatarum, Cohors I Pannoniorum, and Cohors I Sagittiariorum, which is attested by gravestones, as well as the Legio XXII Primigenia Pia Fidelis. In 370 the Roman writer Ausonius mentioned that the town was surrounded by a wall which the emperor Julian had built in 359 (Amm. Marc. 18.2). There is evidence of milites Bingenses under a praefectus ca. 400.

Many graves from the civil settlement are preserved. The most notable is a doctor's grave from the beginning of the 2d c. A.D., containing a rich assortment of bronze instruments: basin, scalpel, trapan, pincers, spatula, etc. (exhibited in Burg Klopp, Bingen).


G. Behrens, Bingen (= Katalog westund süddeutscher Altertumssammlungen 4) (1920) 49MPI; id., Die Binger Landschaft in der vor- und frühgeschichte (1954); Como, “Das Grab eines römischen Arztes in Bingen,” Germania (1925) 125ff; H. Klumbach, “Bingen zur Römerzeit,” Führer zu vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern 12 (1969) 127-30.


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