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The first town of the Macedonian kingdom reached after going S through the Kirli Derven pass into Lynkos. In 524 B.C. the Spartan leader Brasidas, abandoned by his Macedonian ally, reached Arnissa after a long day that ended with the storming of the pass (Thuc. 4.128.3). An important Classical site can probably be identified with Arnissa just E of the S end of the pass, N of the village of Petres and near its lake. Rectangular foundations, possibly of a defense wall, are visible; several inscriptions and numerous small objects have been found. There have been no excavations.

Arnissa was still of some importance in Late Roman times, and appears, misnamed as Larissa, in the Synekdemos of Hierokles (638.11). The village of Ostrovo, at the head of Lake Ostrovo, has been officially renamed Arnissa, but this cannot be correct, since it is based on misidentification of the pass into Lynkos. No ancient name can convincingly be associated with the remains at Ostrovo.


W. M. Leake, Travels in Northern Greece III (1835) 315; C. Edson, “The location of Cellae and the route of the via Egnatia in western Macedonia,” CP 46 (1951) 1-16; N.G.L. Hammond, A History of Macedonia 1 (1972) 104-8.


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