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ASSOROS (Assoro) Enna, Sicily.

The site's ancient name is probably of Sikel origin. A prominent center in antiquity, it is mentioned by Diodoros (14.58.78) and Cicero (Verr. 4.44); it reached its greatest splendor at the time of Dionysios, but by the 1st c. B.C. it had declined considerably. Cicero speaks of the Temple of Crysas at Assoros, on the road from Assoros to Henna. Considerable remains of the walls are still visible, and one of the fortification gates was extant as late as the 17th c., together with about eight rows of the walls of a temple (?) on the mountain, which had been incorporated into modern constructions. The city spread across the plateau between the rivers Salso and Dittaino in a remarkably strong position, naturally defended by the steepness of the hillsides which contain numerous chamber tombs, especially in the S area. Grave goods date from the 10th to the 5th c. B.C. Finds from cist graves come down to the 2d c. B.C. and include imported vases as well as many of Italic manufacture.


G. C. Gentili, “Resti di tombe sicule del tipo di ‘Licodia Eubea,’” NSc (1961) 217-21. Morel, “Recherches archéologiques et topographiques dans la région d'Assoro,” MélRome (1963) 263-301.


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