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Enter CLINIA from the house of CHREMES.

to himself. If my love-affairs had been prosperous for me, I am sure she would have been here by this; but I'm afraid that the damsel has been led astray here in my absence. Many things combine to strengthen this opinion in my mind; opportunity, the place, her age, a worthless mother, under whose control she is, with whom nothing but gain is precious. Enter CLITIPHO.


Alas! wretched me!

Do, pray, take care that no one coming out of your father's house sees you here by accident.

I will do so; but really my mind presages I know not what misfortune.

Do you persist in making up your mind upon that, before you know what is the fact?

Had no misfortune happened, she would have been here by this.

She'll be here presently.

When will that presently be?

You don't consider that it is a great way fiom here.1 Besides, you know the ways of women, while they are bestirring themselves, and while they are making preparations a whole year passes by.

O Clitipho, I'm afraid----

Take courage. Look, here comes Dromo, together with Syrus: they are close at hand. They stand aside.

1 Great way from here: That is, from the place where they are, in the country, to Athens.

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load focus Latin (Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A., 1857)
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