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CHALINUS, alone.

to himself. If now I were to hang myself, I should be losing my pains, and besides my pains, putting myself to the expense of purchasing a rope, and doing a pleasure to my evil-wishers. What need is there for me, who, indeed, am dead even as it is? At the lots I'm beaten; Casina's to be married to the bailiff. And this now is not so much to be regretted, that the bailiff has got the better, as the fact that the old man so vehemently desired that she shouldn't be given me, and should marry him. How frightened he was, how in his misery he did bustle about, how he did caper about after the bailiff had won. By-the-bye, I'll step aside here; I hear the door opening. Sees STALINO and OLYMPIO, coming out. My well-wishers and friends1are coming out. Here in ambush I'll lay in wait against them. Goes on one side.

1 Well-wishers and friends: Of course this is said ironically.

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