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11. Accordingly, if we will honor those who have already departed from life, we will leave behind more equitable conditions for our own death.

But if you care nothing, Labienus, for those whom we can no longer see, do you think that consideration should not be extended even to those whom you do see? [31] I declare that, from all those, there was not one man who was in Rome on that day, a day that you are now summoning into court, and who was in the prime of life, without he took up weapons, without he followed the consuls. All those from whose age you can conjecture what they did at that time are being accused by you, Labienus, of a charge imperiling their citizenship and lives in the name of Gaius Rabirius. “But Rabirius killed Saturninus.” O how I wish he had! I would not pray that punishment be averted. No, I would demand a reward. Indeed, if freedom was bestowed upon Scaeva, Quintus Croto's slave who killed Lucius Saturninus, what reward would have been fittingly bestowed upon a Roman knight? And if Gaius Marius, because he had ordered that the water conduits supplying the temple and shrines of Jupiter Best and Greatest be severed, because on the Capitoline hill ...



1 First edited by Niebuhr from a palimpsest manuscript in the Vatican Library

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