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[33] Were you able to render my house the property of the gods? With what feelings? You have lost all feeling. With what hand? With that with which you pulled it down. With what voice? With that with which you ordered it to be set on fire. By what law? By one which you did not venture to propose even at the time when you were doing everything with impunity. With what cushion? That which you polluted with your adulteries. With what image? That which you took off from a harlot's tomb and placed on the monument of a general. What has my house which is connected with anything religious except that it touches the wall of an impious and sacrilegious man? Therefore that none of my people may be able unintentionally to look into your house I will raise the roof higher not in order that I may look down upon you, but that you may not be able to see that city which you were desirous to destroy.

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