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XIII. A condition too is desirable free from the late-learner's faults. For his state accomplishes nothing that is immediate, and its remembrance of what is not before the eyes is but tolerable. So there arises a quarrelsome inefficiency, with headstrong outrage, that has no thought for what is seemly, while definitions, professions, oaths, great as far as the gods invoked are concerned,1 come from the physician in charge of the disease, bewildered laymen being lost in admiration of flowery language spoken in continuous reading and instruction, crowding together even before they are troubled by a disease.2 Wherever I may be in charge of a case, with no confidence should I call in such men to help as consultants. For in them comprehension of seemly learning is far to seek. Seeing then that they cannot but be unintelligent, I urge that experience is useful, the learning of opinions coming far after. For who is desirous and ambitious of learning truly subtle diversities of opinion, to the neglect of calm and practised skill? Wherefore I advise you to listen to their words but to oppose their acts.

1 That is, the oaths frantically appeal to all the great gods.

2 The construction and translation are uncertain. I believe that δρις1μοῖς2 and the other datives are a Roman's efforts at rendering into Greek "ablatives of attendant circumstances," but ἐκ μεταφορῆς2 is puzzling, and can hardly be taken with λόγονς2. Perhaps it is a Latinism. Cf. "pastor ab Amphryso."

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